The STANG Matrix

Governor Mifflin Middle School believes that Showing Respect, Taking Ownership of Choices, Accepting Responsibility, Noting the Positive, and Giving Best Efforts are important factors in success. These aspects of personal character make up the foundation of the GMMS STANG matrix.

"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."
Henry David Thoreau

As a pivot from the Habits of Mind discussion, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss the Governor Mifflin Middle School STANG matrix. The STANG matrix is a set of characteristics set forth for GMMS students designed to set clear expectations within the school. A great thing about the STANG matrix is that the characteristics and expectations set forth are not only good for school, but also in situations outside school. For example, learning appropriate behaviors in a cafeteria setting will transfer in more formal dining situations at home or in situations when a family might go out to a restaurant for dinner.  

The STANG matrix is formally taught to students at the beginning of each school year, and supported with positive behavioral supports to recognize appropriate behaviors that align with the expectations. GMMS uses STANG cards as a positive reward "currency" that can be redeemed in the attendance office. The STANG cards can be redeemed for an array of items, ranging from school supplies, chewing gum, to t-shirts and gift cards.

The ultimate goal of the STANG matrix is to provide students with an easy way to remember and understand basic expectations for behavior, eventually forming the habits that form strong character traits for success. 

As seen above, the STANG matrix includes criteria that align with each letter that comprise the acronym STANG. This allows teachers and principals to reference the specific criteria on the matrix and have students easily recognize and reflect on aspects of the characteristics that are outlined.  
In Teaching Character Traits to Kids, the author list several ways to teach kids good character traits at home. They include;

* Make a list of good character traits and explain what they ere and why they are important
* Model good character traits for kids
* Show them examples of people demonstrating good character traits
* Tell stories to kids that exemplify good character

Using these and other character building strategies with kids over time will certainly have positive and lasting effects. At GMSD, we continue to utilize the STANG matrix to help support these positive character traits and set clear expectations for the school community. Feel free to reference the STANG matrix when addressing these expectations at home!
Please Note: There will be no Mustang Connection communication next week. We will return to wrap up the year 20-21 school year the following week! 

Additional resources and what's on the horizon for flex period!

Additional Resources

Flex Period Schedule
Days 1 & 4 - SSR - Silent Sustained Reading - Learn More Here
Days 2 & 5 - iReady - Family Resource Page
Days 3 & 6 - SEL - Social Emotional Learning Schedule
* May 18th - GMSD and Berks County Summer Learning Opportunities
* May 21st -  Mental Health Awareness Activities

As always, thank you for your continued support and partnership in education!


Chris Killinger
GMMS Associate Principal

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