Social Awareness: SEL Competency #5
Governor Mifflin Middle School believes that social awareness is an important skill for living and working productively and collaboratively in a school and community setting. Social awareness skills provide people the ability to approach problems from different perspectives, and understand others' thoughts and feelings. “Awareness is about improving social intelligence. If you can't see, hear, or feel the dynamics of a conversation, you can't manage them.” ― John Stoker Friday, March 26th is PA Social Emotional Learning Day , so it is fitting that we close out our discussion on SEL with this week's communication. In this, the last piece of our examination of the CASEL SEL framework , we will look at the fifth and final CASEL competency, social awareness. CASEL defines social awareness as the ability to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, & contexts. This includes the capacities to feel comp...